Riverton Help ​Center

A Private, Nonprofit

501(c)(3) organization

519 East Park

Riverton, WY 82501


Donation Icon

Mission Statement

Riverton Help Center is a private, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) ​charitable organization. Our mission is to provide ​much needed services to families and individuals who ​are currently experiencing homelessness and/or other ​life situations that create difficulties in meeting their ​basic needs. Our current funding partners include The ​Salvation Army, the Foundation of the Episcopal ​Church of Wyoming, and St. James Episcopal Church ​of Riverton.

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.

Provide hospitality.”

Romans 12:13

How Do We Help

  • Utility & rental assistance
  • Food Pantry
  • Clothes for adults and children
  • Baby supplies & hygiene items
  • Limited bus passes for local travel & ​fuel cards for emergency travel
  • Limited assistance for prescription ​meds in emergency situations
  • Referrals to our partner agencies & ​other community organizations if ​additional resources are needed.

How You Can Help

Current Fundraisers


Riverton Help Center will be participating in the ​statewide WyoGives Initiative on Wednesday, July 10t​h. We need your help! Please join our campaign a​nd help us reach our goal of $5,000! We need you ​to tell your friends and family members about t​he important work we do and ask them to join us ​in helping to make a difference. Click on the W​yo Gives logo below to donate to the Riverton He​lp Center. Remember every dollar count​s!​

  • Volunteer to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army ​Red Kettle Campaign
  • Make a tax deductible cash donation
  • Donate food items to the pantry
  • Donate diapers and other baby supplies, hygiene ​items, toys, etc.
  • Donate gently used clothing for adults and children
  • Volunteer at the center
  • Organize fundraisers
  • Spread the word about how important the Riverton ​Help Center is to the community!!

By working together we can make a

significant impact in our community

for those in need.

Meet Our Board Members

Board President

Sue Rector

Board VP

Sue Tonkin

Board Secretary

Pat Stoehr

Board Treasurer

Amy Mayes

Member At Large

Bonita Knox

Member At Large

Stacey Doerr

Executive Director

Carol Chizek

Salvation Army Red

Kettle Campaign

The Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign is our major fund ​raiser each year. The campaign is launched in mid November ​and goes through December 24th. Volunteers sign up to be bell ​ringers at Walmart or Smith’s. They encourage people to give ​whatever they can. Young children are delighted to put dollars ​and coins in the kettle in exchange for a candy cane. All ​donations are greatly appreciated. 90% of the funds remain in ​the local community to support the services of the Riverton ​Help Center. We received over $16,000 in the 2023 campaign, ​which was awesome! A huge thank you goes out to all our ​bell ringers and all those who generously donated to make it ​such a successful 2023 campaign. Be watching for ​information on the 2024 campaign!

Some of the 2023 Bell Ringers

Photo Gallery

Day in the Park July 2023

Donation from Habitat

for Humanity 1-24

Contact Us

519 E. Park Ave

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Telephone: 307-463 -0799
